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Monday, April 30, 2012

Learn How to Make Money Exponentially

How to Make More Money With Viral marketing

MLM or network marketing can be thought of as a type of viral marketing. The concept is that I tell you something or offer you something of value and encourage you to tell several others. You ask them to tell several other people and so on.

The more people who hear about your opportunity, the higher the chances that you will recruit people and/or sell them a product or service. You will increase your income when more people hear about your opportunity or see your online presentation.

The challenge is to present your opportunity to more people in less time.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Viral marketing, viral advertising, or marketing buzz are buzzwords referring to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses (cf. memes and memetics). It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, or text messages.

The ultimate goal of marketers interested in creating successful viral marketing programs is to create viral messages that appeal to individuals with high social networking potential (SNP) and that have a high probability of being presented and spread by these individuals and their competitors in their communications with others in a short period of time.

Hotmail is a prime example of successful viral marketing.

Learn How to Grow Your Business Exponentially

This time-leveraged marketing technique will allow you to exponentially grow your business. You will have the ability to present your opportunity to more people than ever before by following the instructions provided.

Look at the possibilities of telling 3 people about these techniques and encouraging them to tell 3 other people.

Let's say that you decide to follow the steps right now. Now let's say that one hour later, 3 people whom you know and informed about this same marketing opportunity decide to follow the same steps. Let's imagine this recurring for the next twelve hours. Three people informing three others each hour for the next twelve hours.

Exponentially this would be 3^12 or 3 to the 12th power. A really huge number! Reality is that some people will be away from their computer and won't be able to check email for a day or two. There may also be some people who just won't believe this will work for whatever reason.

So, to bring the number more in line with reality, let's say that the actual number is a mere fraction of 3^12 which is 531,444. Let's say that only 1 out of 100 people are actually following the steps. This brings us to 5,314 people in twelve hours visiting your Website.

Having a hard time believing this is possible? What about 1 out of 1000 people or 531 new visitors in twelve hours? Still doubting the number? What if only 1 out of 10,000 people followed the steps? This would be 53 people in twelve hours visiting your Website, every twelve hours.

106 more people than you currently have would be visiting your Website every day just by following the simple steps outlined below.

How would your life change if more of these interested people visited your Website daily?
How much more money could you make by getting one extra recruit or one extra sale per day with the extra traffic?
How much time could you save by using the proven viral marketing technique?
How could others in your business benefit by following the steps?

Step 1.

Get your Free copy of 3 Free Viral Marketing Tools E-book.

Step 2.

Tell 3 people you know about this. The Web address will be filled in automatically when they receive the email. You can enter something like "This is a great way to get more traffic." in the message section. Click here to tell 3 people.

Step 3.

Add your opportunity details to the Opportunity Directory.

"Be prepared, work hard, and hope for a little luck. Recognize that the harder you work and the better prepared you are, the more luck you might have."

Ed Bradley

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